Back to School
Immunity Package
Prepare your children for the stress and immune challenges of the new school year.

It's back to school time but it's anything but a typical year. Give your children the essential building blocks for a strong and responsive immune system.

Organic Elderberry/Echinacea 'At Home' Kit +
Powerful Probiotics, Vitamins, Minerals +
Proven Immune Nutrients
These supplements are easy for young children to take and will send them out the door with the support their growing bodies need this school year.

BENEFITS OF Back to School Immune Package

Chewables and Liquids
High compliance from children with tasty chewables and a home kit to make a delicious elderberry/echinacea syrup that kids can easily take in the morning going out the door.

Highest Quality Supplements
Too many supplements designed for children are too low in nutrients to have a positive effect. The Back to School Package contains the right dosing to stimulate your child's immune system.

Full Spectrum
We have chosen the perfect combination of botanicals, probiotics, vitamins and minerals to support all aspects of your child's immune system.